Chapter 2 - A Kid's Guide to Stock Market Investing

On page 13 of the book, the writer states, "Try to choose stock in a company that has products or services that people need on a regular and continuing basis." What does the term "services" mean in this context? And, provide an example of a product or service that people do need regularly. 

Proper grammar and spelling are expected. Be sure to answer the question fully. Leave your classroom number at the end of your post to receive credit. Remember to write your response first in Google Docs and then copy onto the blog. Post as "Anonymous" when done.


  1. The stock market consists of many products and services. Services are a system that supplies things that are publicly needed like transportation or toothpaste. Companies that supply services such as Uber and Procter & Gamble usually do good in the stock market because their products are always needed, another company like Chevron would do good because the services that it provides are very useful. So when you are investing in the stock market, make sure you look at the services that your company supplies because that could be the difference between being rich or being broke.


  2. The term services is that sentence means maybe like a website that a lot of people use. It could also mean a wifi provider but it would more likely mean a website or company. A service that people use on a regular basis is google a lot of people use Google or it could also be Microsoft. Also Safari because that is on iphones and a lot of people use iphones. #25

  3. The term "services" in this context means “a system supplying a public need such as transport, communications, or utilities such as electricity and water.” For example, the company Colgate-Palmolive provides at home, health care, self care, and pet supplies.


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  5. On page 13, the author says “Try to choose stock in a company that has products or services that people need on a regular and continuing basis.” In this sentence, the word service means a job or action being done. An example of a service that some people use on a daily basis is a package delivery. The delivery driver provides a service, driving, to bring the consumer their product. #27


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